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Spin the Wheel
Updated over a week ago

Spin the Wheel Setup

Step 1) Creating a new Spin the Wheel

To add a Spin the Wheel widget to your store, click on Create Timer/Bar at the homepage.

Select the Spinning Wheel as your option

Add a name for the spinning wheel:

Step 2) Configure the display settings of the Spinning Wheel

Configure how you want the spinning wheel to be displayed on your store.

a. Select the type of visitors to show the spinning wheel widget.

b. Select where the spinning wheel widget will appear on the screen.

c. Select when will the widget be triggered. It can appear immediately upon page load, after staying for a certain time on a page or after scroll a % of the page.

d. Select which page in your store that you want the spinning wheel widget to appear in.

Step 3) Restrict Spinning Wheel By Location

You can limit the feature to be viewed only by visitors from certain countries. Simply click the dropdown and select the applicable countries.

Select Go to Design to continue to the next section.

Designing Spin the Wheel Widget

Step 1) Customize the design of the Invite section

The "Invite" section is where we handle the email capture process.

In this section, you'll find information about the prizes available on the Spinning Wheel. Additionally, there's an optional countdown timer designed to encourage visitors to provide their email addresses, making them eligible for a chance to spin the wheel:

To setup the Invite section, first, setup the Header and the Description:

You will then have the option to turn on/off the countdown timer to the widget. When the countdown timer option is turn own, you have the option of configuring the timer style, the countdown behavior's and the labels of the timer:

Next, configure the texts of the email capture form. You can also configure the texts of the button:

You can then proceed to configure and customize the "prizes" for the Spinning Wheel

  1. Discount Code Expiry - Configure the validity period of the prize. Once expired, the discount will no longer be valid.

  2. Discount items - To configure the prizes of the Spinning Wheel, select Edit Discount Code button. Proceed to select if this prize item is a randomly generated code created each time a prize is won, select from an existing code or this items does not carry a prize:

    1. If Random Code is selected, you can then select the Discount Type, the Display Name that will be shown on the wheel, the Discount Code generation parameters and enable/disable the minimum purchase amount and/or quantity:

    2. If Existing Code is selected, you are then required to select the code that was already generated on Shopify > Discounts by selecting the Browse Discount Code:

    3. If No Discount is selected, the customer will get no prizes/discount will be given.

  3. Add prizes to the wheel - The "+" button will add items into the spinning wheel.

  4. Probability Settings - Configure the probability of the prizes being given out. You can lower the probability for bigger prizes.

To customize the design of Invite section, click on the section you want to configure and customize accordingly:

Lastly, you can configure if you want the Spinning Wheel to be minimized to a tab when the window is closed by enabling Tab Settings. This is optional:

Step 3) Configure Countdown Section

In the Countdown section, you can configure the time it takes to spin and also the animation of the spinning wheel:

Step 4) Configure Win Section

You can setup how the widget looks like when customers received a prize from the Spinning Wheel.

To configure the design, click on the section you wish to setup.

Step 5) No Discount Section

In this section, you can configure the design and message when the customer did not win anything from the Spinning Wheel:

Step 6) Reminder Section

In this section you can configure the message and design of the reminder bar for customers to use the discount code they had won. This bar will auto appear if customers won something from the spinning wheel:

To complete the setup, please select the Save button to proceed.

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