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Quantity Remaining Label

Show the remaining quantities available for product / variant if they are in an active discount/price increase rule.

Updated over 11 months ago

To create urgency, you can add a quantity remaining label onto your product page that shows the remaining quantities if this product/variant is in an active discount / price increase rule.

To Setup the Quantity Remaining Label

  • Go to Settings.

  • At Quantity Remaining Widget section, select the Turn On button.

  • The following options will then be displayed.

  • First, select the Run Theme Checker

  • Next, proceed to setup the position of the Quantity Remaining widget on the product page by selecting the Setup button:

    This will bring you to the theme settings.

    To setup the position, drag and drop the Quantity Bar widget to the position you want:

    Apply the settings by saving the changes.

  • You can change the text of the widget by customizing the label settings:

    You can also customize the color of the widget's text by selecting the Text Color column:

  • If you want the widget to show when inventory of the product reaches a certain level, please enable the Only display when quantity is less than or equal to option and proceed to setup the quantities:

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