Release Calendar

Generate anticipation for your pre-order or coming soon products by displaying then on a Release Calendar on your online store.

Updated over a week ago

How it works

  • When enabled, the app will create a new page on your store containing a live calendar of any Pre-Order or Coming Soon products that are set to release anytime in future.

  • You can select what products are included/excluded in the calendar.

  • The calendar is populated with any Product that has a future date set for the in the Pre-Order or Coming Soon options.

Use Cases

  • Product launches: Pre-order calendars can be used to schedule and manage pre-orders for new products, allowing businesses to gauge demand and prepare inventory accordingly.

  • Limited edition releases: Use pre-order calendars to offer exclusive or limited edition products, allowing customers to secure their purchases before they run out.

How to Create a Calendar Page

  1. First, go to Calendar (BETA) page:

  2. Turn on the toggle button to enable the Coming Soon/Pre-Order Calendar settings.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please save your settings prior to publishing the calendar page.

  3. Proceed to configure the display message that will appear when no products are available on the calendar.

  4. You have the option to modify the default URL of your calendar page by simply selecting the "Edit" button.

    1. IMPORTANT NOTE: Pre-order dates need to be setup before configuring calendar.

  5. Before selecting the products you wish to publish to the calendar, it is necessary to configure the following settings that determine their display.

    1. To manage the display of a product with both "Coming Soon" and "Pre-Order" settings, you can select the option of exclusively show in the "Pre-Order" tab, the "Coming Soon" tab, or in both tabs simultaneously.

    2. If this option is selected, variants of a product will be displayed individually in the calendar:

      If this option is unselected, it will group all variant into a single product.

  6. Select the products that you want to publish onto the Calendar.

    1. If a product is enabled for Pre-Order/Coming Soon but no dates are scheduled, the product will be unselectable:

    2. You can filter the selection by Pre-Order or Coming Soon:

    3. To select variant level only, click on the drop down button and select the variant(s) that you want to publish on the calendar.

  7. For the final step, you can customize the look and feel of the calendar at Calendar settings:

    1. If you want the calendar to inherit your store's theme design, you can select the Inherit theme color button:

    2. Select the Calendar style that you want:

    3. To customize the look and feel of the calendar, select the section that you wish to customize and proceed to set it up.

  8. Select "Save" and the Calendar will be published at the URL stated in Step 4.

How to Display Pre-Order / Coming Soon Calendar on Your Home Page

  1. IMPORTANT NOTE: When the Calendar is properly configured and saved, a page will be AUTOMATICALLY CREATED. You DO NOT NEED to create the page manually. The URL is displayed here:

  2. Go to Online Store

    1. Go to Navigation

    2. Select Main Menu

  3. At the Main Menu, select Add menu item

  4. Then enter Name of the page and the Calendar URL Link by copying the URL displayed at the Calendar page:

    Select Add and then complete the process by selecting Save. This will create the link to the Flash Sales page in the navigation bar in your store:

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