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Amai Pre-Order Manager + Notify
Pre-Order Setup
How to insert Pre-Order into Order Confirmation Email
How to insert Pre-Order into Order Confirmation Email
Updated over a week ago

IMPORTANT NOTE: Shopify does not allow app developers to directly modify the confirmation email. Therefore we had created a workaround and this guide to help you. If you do not wish to manually insert any codes into the you confirmation email, please contact support and we will assist you accordingly.

You can display the pre-order information in the order confirmation email. Please follow the following instructions on how to do it:

  1. First go to Settings page:


  2. Copy the code.

    If you want to display the Estimated Delivery Date lineitem into the confirmation email, please ensure this option is turned on:

  3. Select the Setup button and it will bring you to the Email Template Setup page.

  4. Insert the copied code in between line.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan tags (after the endif line) and before lin.refunded_quantity. Here's an example:

    Tip: You can key in CTRL + F and search using this line "line.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan":

  5. Insert the code:

  6. Save the settings :

  7. Now your customers will be notified if the product is a pre-order in the confirmation email:

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